The [world billionaire] rankings include 226 newcomers. Seventy-seven of the new faces come from the U.S., half of whom made their fortunes in finance and investments …
…Two of the most noteworthy new entrants are South Africa’s Patrice Motsepe and Nigeria’s Aliko Dangote, the first black Africans to make their debut among the world’s richest. Dangote is also the first-ever Nigerian billionaire.

Aliko Dangote
To View His Slide:
Tags: aliko, billionaire, Dangote, money, rich

My grabfather Alhaji jimoh Odutola is the best thing that ever happened to African business.He would be 103 on march 16 2008
Hopefully next year their will be 10 on the list …
I am extremly happy that there is a nigerian billionaire, i encourage everyone to use his example and try there best to reach there goals.
Aim for the moon and if you miss at least you’l be among the stars.
Dangote has made it. But most Nigerians are extremely poor.Dangote should consider phylantropy seriuosly.
i totally agree with you after all he wasnt born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
i disagree. Most Nigerians are beggers especially northerners, the earlier we embrace dignity in labour the better for us all.
Thank you for the aticle on world billionaires. Since Dangote has more money than he would need for the rest of his life, why can’t he institute an American-type “marshall plan’ for the northern states?
The northern states are in very bad shapes(mass iliteracy,diseases,ethnic/religious battles,poverty,etc.).
Honestly, it will difficult for nigeria to survive as a country with the North the way it is today.
Hw dear u calling the northernes.we thank god that we are not practising prostitution as a means of livelyhood or drug traffiking which ur people specialise in doing.
Indeed that is true. If he can set up one central school in the poor north, it will be a turning point for most families.
It is a misnomer to refer to Malam Dangote as the richest African. The fact is that Dangote is the richest FORBES LISTED billionaire to come from Africa. Subtract OPM coming in disguises from the likes of OBJs of Nigeria and other top ex-generals, you will be flabbergasted. These guys work together to milk us dry, even now. If you can find a way to make at least IBB, OBJ, and other mafia ex-generals to declare their true assets, then you will find out what I mean.
Achieving this kind of feat is awesome, to the least. But if it was done, like in this case, by manipulating our import/export laws and conducting a shady privatization of our national assets in collaboration with crooks at the head of government, I cannot be impressed. The ends should not justify the means.
Prince Kabir is the Webmaster of
hi there i held about de comment in my box am here if you can apply me in your company as a factory workers .
please i want you to include me in sharing fund,because i am a poverty stricting person, this is my account number
0722000169876, my bank is U B N PLC ISOLO LAGOS,
ANAMBRA, STATE NIGERIA. please call me on this phone number 08086756575.
U said Dangote is a thief, can you bring proofs, lets know how he ruin nigeria econmy, or just bad belle u get for the man?
who ever must have said such a thing has a questionable character and i must say he/she is a pest who pucks his/her nose into where its not supposed to be. If you were in Dangote’s shoes what will you do or will you decide to throw away all you’ve got and be poor all in the name of what people will say.
i am a scientist, my sience maters about craft i can produce plane anyflying objet that can fly, so im pleasly informing you sir weather we can generat the science.thanks
In an economy where absolute control has been handed over to Dangote to import all the flour,cement,rice and other basic necessities,one wonders why Dongote would not be rich at the expense of those with little or no economic background to understand that he manipulated the system to suit his ambition.We also fail to see that he operates on the premise of lawlesness.I am not impressed
dangote has proved that hard work pays and i feel proud that a nigerian is also among world billionaires
I always hear people say that Aliko Dangote is the richest African but nobody has ever bothered to carefully examine his ways and manners of acquiring all those riches whether they do, in all sincerity of purpose, genuineness of wealth acquisition and, above all, godly fear and honesty of intention, really CONFORM with the approval and wills of Almighty God? If an individual out of a nation of self-acclaimed population of 140 million people should be singled out by a cabal of retired generals and their political stooges, as criminal accomplices to empower a single person to dominate, manipulate and expropriate a collective will and legacy, how would such an individual, be he in business of even scavenging of refuse or fasces not become the
It is good to have a Nigerian on the list of billionaires of the world. He is the first legitimate and published billionaire to come from this poverty-stricken Nigeria but no, there are many other billionaires who have swindled this economy, remain shady and unpublicised. Nigeria is the one country where there are billionaires without any known source of income. They own no manufacturing or industrial outfits. The difference between Dangote and his cliques is that he has been given a free hand to manipulate the external dependent economy to his personal gain and, no doubt, the billions he has amassed goes to show how effectively he has succeeded in robbing Nigeria. Congratulations. You are the real maradona !!
I dont think Dangote is too good an exemption from thousands of other billonaires in Nigeria
Since all these while, i continue to wonder why some certain people in Ondo state of nigeria still sees Mimiko as their savior and god. This is somebody who was a commissioner during the regime of Adefarati and did not do any physical thing, worked closed to Governor Agagu before taking an appointment as Minister for housing; still no physical achievement can be traced to him. Is it until he become governor that he will do something? Laye, laye he can not!
Let us call a spade a spade, there is no time that he can do something since he can not when he held key positions at both state and federal level. You see, he is just deceiving us with his lip promises. If actually he wants to do something, he would have done little while he held those big positions.
The only thing I feel he can go to do over there is to share the money in the treasury among his loyalists and destroy some of the good works done by action Governor Agagu.
My dear people of Ondo state, we gat to be wise and vigilant before some
He has no factory in operation. Dangote does not manufacture anything. He helps rob the poor by being only one allowed to import. I will celebrate him if what he sells he has made or does not help yeye countries sell their goods to poor people. Nonsense.
In this modern times, how can one person – Dangote be the only one with the right to import most basic foods to nigeria. The Nigerian goverment is a fat joke and this guy Dangote is a bloody rogue.
If he is a billionaires , why not use all his money to help you people, 80% of NIgeria are poor tell hin to feed you and not to show up in the world.
Where he get that money from?? is you Country is so poor?
you people from Africa never learn all of you are used to get food from a plane.
Wake up and start working from your own Country and not migrate to Europa we have loads of you here on benefits, you just do not want to work but want to have nica house and car.
Thanks fro the new law coming in 2010 no more African.
You have nothing in your country and when you arrived to Europe you complain about everything,
Tell that billionaires to help you.
wait a minute. i aint seen no plane drop food for Nigerians and mind you Nigerians are the most hardworking people you can find.besides you europeans are lazy, the africans do most of your work and mind you they are not entitled to benefits so dont know where you got that.we just have a corrupt system that needs to be dealt with seriously but Nigeria is a rich country with poor people.what an irony.
seriously i don’t know whats the problem with this Roforofo of a person, Roforofo what kind of name is that anyway? its obvious ur a racist but can’t u just do it with limitations. if u ask, instead making the country Nigeia look bad u just made urself look like a jackass. a respectable person won’t be sounding like u, so my guess is ur just some roof rat runing his mouth where he’s not welcomed. u’ll soon get it shut.
Roforofo many peolpe have been to Europe.Which part of Europe are you from? Some African countries are better than some of your countries.I have been there severally.Most people are so lazy that they depend on the government to feed.
Besides,most of your so called wealth are derived from the “poor African” resources.Sooner or later,water will find its level.Nobody will be a child forever.MArk my words.There is no place like Africa!
Leave Dangote alone, He is a dogged hard worker. I love him.He has helped provide job for poor and indigent Nigerians. He is a humble man, unlike other rich Nigerians. I would wish to meet him one day, if possible and if it would not be misunderstood. He should accept the assurances of my greatest considerations . My God bless him the more.
that is interesting actually seeing a 9ja person on the list
Dangote has shown us once more that with vision and consistency,the sky will be the limit,there are few billionares out there all over the world with no contacts in their various country’s government,so dangote is not the only one and should not be castigated for government patronage.Aba,there are retired governors(military and politician)who after siphoning their individual state’s fund cannot even run a restaurant successfull there after.Kudos to Dangote.I am a malaysian based business man and will like to associate with your sucess and hopefully do things
i pray i become one of the future billionaires from nigeria to safe this great country. Thank you.
i pray i become one of the future billionaires from nigeria to safe this great country. Thank you.
Please, read this message and photocopy it into many to reach others.
Our beliefs, worships, prayers, pleas and reliance are to Almighty God only.
God bless Nigeria with the love and loyalty to be honest with the service to our fatherland and its people.
The Message is the New Phase of Corporate Nigeria which is Unity in Oneness of Corporate Nigeria. Henceforth, our Philosophy is to inculcate love and loyalty of Nigeria into the mindsets of people of Nigeria. Other things which negatively affect our Corporate Existence are disastrous monsters. Our new Philosophy teaches that cities, towns and villages are media through which the corporate Nigeria should be moved forward to receive its long -expected betterment. The New Phase of Corporate Nigeria is all about telling you to contribute to Human and Communal Developments any where you are within Nigeria. Contribute to the Development of Nigeria through that Community you are in now. It is high time now we joined ourselves together on a common struggle to put all our hands on a definite desk to propound germane plans (Capable to move us forward) which shall lead to achievement; the achievement which shall lead to progress and the progress which shall lead to the improvement of the welfares of Nigerians at home and in Diaspora. Our perceptions of indigenes in any place of Nigeria are all Nigerians apparently present there at particular time.
Ours is to give pride to Nigerians at home and any where they are.
Unity in Oneness of Corporate Nigeria is all we have embraced. Join us in this struggle.
Message from: Nigerian Youths Sovereign Voice.
For contact to get some pieces of information on the association: 08066771971, 08025076610, 08027145391, 08025902460 and 08057227176
Its great having a Nigerian in the name of Alhaji Aliko Dangote among the world list of billionaires. I pray him to extend his hands more to the poor and infrastructural development of the nation(s)
Its great having a Nigerian in the name of Alhaji Aliko Dangote among the world list of billionaires. I pray him to extend his hands more to the poor and infrastructural development of the nation(s)
Dangote is strinkly rich ofcourse,and he provide works to people as said. But he should know that after this life (that is here after )you will give account to all you have from one Kobo to the Billion, so please be very careful with this kind richness and try to have control of your wealth so that you will give God and Ahlil Baity their shares that is (Zakkat and Kumusi).But having name in world’s most rich people is not only the solution. Hope you here and you will abide Amin.
im adesayo pls how can i get his phone no.mine his 08068862914
I am God fearing person, Alhaji Aliko Dangote has shown us more that with vision and consistency, the sky will be a limit, there are few billionaires out there, who think and respect the poor people all over the world. The little they can do for them is to provide job or creating job for the people in various ways in their country or the world at large.
Its great having a Nigerian in the name of Alhaji Aliko Dangote among the world list of billionaires, So Dangote is not the only one and should not be castigated for government patronage.
As a Computer Instructor/Operator I personally need your help in my field. I am unemployed, seeking for job opportunity and ready to work in your organization.
I pray to God for you to extend your hands more to the poor and infrastructural development of Nigeria as a nation.
I am a bonfires citizen of Nigeria and live in Abuja my e-mail address is, name: Peter M. Joseph
Outside the employments. What impact does Dangote’s billion makes in a poor man life? Somebody pls tell me. The cost of cement is advancing day after day. Did Dangote ever used his money to buy fertilizer and distribute free for nigerians farmers? Even if hes rated as the no 1 billion in the world, can it provide food and road for nigerians? Let ask God to send us a saviour provide social amenities for us….
Hi i’m from usa and i want to know what you would do if you were picked to get
it is a scam . don’t even be tempted. if you are not greedy you will not be conned into loosing any money. Every thing they have told you in the e-mail are all lies. If they are not conmen ask them to pay – $10,000. ( sent to you by cheque in the mail) don’t make the mistake of sending them your account deatails. If they can send you a cheque for that amount bank the cheque and never ever get in touch with them again for as long as you live.
it is a scam . don’t even be tempted. if you are not greedy you will not be conned into loosing any money. Every thing they have told you in the e-mail are all lies. If they are not conmen ask them to pay – $10,000. ( sent to you by cheque in the mail) don’t make the mistake of sending them your account deatails. If they can send you a cheque for that amount bank the cheque and never ever get in touch with them again for as long as you live.
it is a scam . don’t even be tempted. if you are not greedy you will not be conned into loosing any money. Every thing they have told you in the e-mail are all lies. If they are not conmen ask them to pay – $10,000. ( sent to you by cheque in the mail) don’t make the mistake of sending them your account deatails. If they can send you a cheque for that amount bank the cheque and never ever get in touch with them again for as long as you live.
Please, forget about such money that comes so easy. There is no where in the world money comes easy. Those adverts on the www where they invite you to join them in making huge amount of US dollars monthly are all scams. Nobody, not even your own close relatives/friends, would reveal the secret behind whatever easy source of making money they found. I fell victim to a group like that who incidentally are Americans. I did not know that white men are also involved in fraudulent (419) activities. I was lucky to run early enough for my life. Please, do not waste your time and money patronizing those liars.
Sorry for got to tell you who the email was from… picked By Mr Ibori in Nigeria and i guess his partner is named Mr. Graham Beale anyone heard of them?? my other comments is above this one..
i to am from the united states and,
yes, i have received the same email. it all sounds very enticing, because they go as far as to send you rfeally authentic looking documents and official looking signatures. they even send great looking pictures. but, if you are unfortunate enough to send your money you lose.
Please, do not fall prey to these guys’ fraudulent ploys or you would live to regret it. Those documents are all fakes. They go as far as to use the names of the top government functionaries (past and present) to make their package look genuine but these are all techniques to make it impossible for their greedy victims (those persons who want to reap where they did not sow) to resist the temptation. If you are one of those that have no compunction receiving reward for work you never did, please go ahead and give it a try otherwise, spam such mails and their sources and save yourself a lot of heartache that would surely become your lot if you follow through to the end.
hello im unversity student
if you want to help me please
Dangote and his ilks in Nigeria should be ashamed of themselves. While their wise mates in other parts of the world are thinking up plans to produce what their country needs locally, he and his thieving friends at the helms of affairs in Nigeria are shamelessly wasting and stealing our money under the guise of importing things we need – be it sugar, rice, cement, or whatever. You people think that you are smart by cheating the suffering masses of Nigeria but the God that sees and knows all things and has the power to deal with you all will judge and reward all of you (so-called Nigerian leaders) and your posterity accordingly for the untold hardship you continue to subject the poor and innocent in that nation..
dangote has really made it in life by producx local goods for us and making our country a place to live.god will continue to provide for your needs amen.please sir ,l need to set up computer business center and l need financial assistance from u.lam using oceanic bank account at lbadan bank acct nos is 1810001017544.saving acct.
god has done it for u let people continue to grumble stumble until they fumble.shasanya olufemi s my phone nos are 07030061366,07029749045,and08029971595.
well i can not celebrate Dangote because i need an answer to questions like this: What do you call rich?
if you give an illiterate oil wells, exclusive import license, etc how wont he be rich you mean you don’t still get it Dangote might be called rich but i cant term him wealthy cos he has not and still not creating / created wealth look at Bill Gates, Warren buffet,
Dangote as first nigerian billionaire that is the joke of the century. In 1992 during the presidential campaign Late Chief M.K.O Abioa declared that he worth $5.5 billion. How has Dangote become the first Nigerian billionaire ?
Na lie
To be sincere lets all imagine how a person[one]should be given all this oppurtunities and immunities by a Nation so big with over 150 million people, with out considering the others.its corruption and we should consider that pls .Dangote is a buisness man of which any one can be so why should he only be given oppurtunities.lets reason my leaders of Nigeria people are suffering thanks.
It amuses me when i heard that Aliko Dangote is the African first billionaire. There is nothing wrong in any one being rich due to hard word work and opportunities provided by the community in which he lives. Its on record that Dangote failed to fulfill his pledge of mere N30 million made to BUK Kano (his home state) since 2002, in spite of several reminders and appeals by the authorities of the institution. The institution got fade-up with his antics and politely wrote to request him to keep his money as they no longer need it. Except to organizations like Forbes, the man Dangote is nothing but a bundle of fraud created and foisted on Nigerians by a certain fraudulent Obasanjo.
Its not worth it,its foolishness.i once heard a recap on Dangote when he was adhered to be the richest in Nigeria in a progam i dont know of, hmm He replied no i’m not rich i am wealthy. what’s all that if not foolishness.
Gunu, yeah, you are right,its one thing to be rich, also its another to have this money and impact on lives even though Dangote provides jobs that does not account for the number of masses who are made to feel the brunt, because of Obasanjo,dangote and others like them they make us suffer for their own selfish gain, but whatever any one does he should remember there is The Final Judgement Day when man will onlybe saved by what he has arranged for himself. thank you
he is not the first billionaire MKO IS
Do he give money to the individual?
Do you give money to a disabled individual person? I have a hard times making ends meet. Here an agency only you once a year. If you can help me please contact me at Please help me !!!!Thank you
Am the richest Nija belive it or not in will change his money into cidis…
Tell that Dangote of a man to learn from prophet T.B. Joshua, and the likes who considers the poor. Dangote might be the greatest accumulator of our naira, but he’s certainly not rich towards any meaningful end. Mind you, Dangote is paying his debt today… EFFC please continue in your fight against financial corruption. if your remove the debt that Dangote is owing our banks from his networth, you will discover that he is just like any other Nigeria.
Tell that Dangote of a man to learn from prophet T.B. Joshua, and the likes who considers the poor. Dangote might be the greatest accumulator of our naira, but he’s certainly not rich towards any meaningful end. Mind you, Dangote is paying his debt today… EFFC please continue in your fight against financial corruption. if your remove the debt that Dangote is owing our banks from his networth, you will discover that he is just like any other Nigeria.
HE,dangote is noting in hte eyes of the lord and i want to say that.him and his husband OBJ are nothing but thiefs.THEY DONT PETTY THEIR LAST DAY;.
@ Tom, Umar Farouq Idris, Mathew and others. We should not ct aspersions against people just because they are doing better than us and we do not like their faces. Dangote made his fortune from a more humble beginning with sales of mere commodities. Today he is a more rounded entrepreneur with solid investments across African. He might not have touched our lives individually, yet he has touched Nigeria as a whole.
dangote is a good man and anybody who disproof that should go and find how hard working the man is.Imagine this man is round the clock working and somebody is there talking story.Dangote may God continue to bless you and your family that our generation to come will remenber you for good.Iam from Benue state but a good nigerian with eyes at development.
In my opinion it is not about saying he is a good or bad man. Its about his contribution to mankind and the economy at large. If he has employed labour let him treat them well, if he has collected loan in d bank let him service d loan and if there\’re less privilege arround him let him affect them positively. But he is a role model 4 alot of person.
when i think or hear about dangote, i feel elated and proud despite my reservations- the chaotic nature of our business environment, to which he contributed to and the fact that he does not see the virtue of having and keeping a wife to mention a few.
above all, he is a large employer of labour directly and indirectly. therefore there’s still some good left in this man. may he be guided and the fear of the Almighty be filled in his heart.
since dangote has money to this extend then, what kind of assistance has he done to less opportunities people such as entrapreneurs that are lacking money for their businesses, young graduates, students.This will minimized the level of unemloyment in NIGERIA if it can be done. pls try and motivate the upcoming ones so that your impart will reflete.
LOL! What the F**k is this???
Dear Friend,
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I am Mr. Uzoma Opara I work with Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc. There is an information I think Might interest you, but before I give out the information, I would want to confirm if you are the real owner of this email ID.
I have the supposed name and address of the pressumed owner of this email ID stated in the files in our office but somehow I am not too comfortable so I had to email you first for reconfirmation to make sure that I am communicating with the right person before divulging important information to the wrong person.
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I am taking this preventive measure because I do not want to talk to the wrong person because of the sensitivity of the information regarding the issue.
Other details will be forwarded to you as soon as I am convinced that I am communicating with the right
Mr. Uzoma Opara
LOL! What the F**k is this???
Dear Friend,
Good day and how are you today?
I am Mr. Uzoma Opara I work with Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc. There is an information I think Might interest you, but before I give out the information, I would want to confirm if you are the real owner of this email ID.
I have the supposed name and address of the pressumed owner of this email ID stated in the files in our office but somehow I am not too comfortable so I had to email you first for reconfirmation to make sure that I am communicating with the right person before divulging important information to the wrong person.
Based on this I intentionally refused to address you by the name that is on file, but if you can reconfirm that you are the real owner of this email ID by stating the names and address as on file, then I will go ahead to release the information to you.
I am taking this preventive measure because I do not want to talk to the wrong person because of the sensitivity of the information regarding the issue.
Other details will be forwarded to you as soon as I am convinced that I am communicating with the right
Mr. Uzoma Opara
LOL! What the F**k is this???
Dear Friend,
Good day and how are you today?
I am Mr. Uzoma Opara I work with Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc. There is an information I think Might interest you, but before I give out the information, I would want to confirm if you are the real owner of this email ID.
I have the supposed name and address of the pressumed owner of this email ID stated in the files in our office but somehow I am not too comfortable so I had to email you first for reconfirmation to make sure that I am communicating with the right person before divulging important information to the wrong person.
Based on this I intentionally refused to address you by the name that is on file, but if you can reconfirm that you are the real owner of this email ID by stating the names and address as on file, then I will go ahead to release the information to you.
I am taking this preventive measure because I do not want to talk to the wrong person because of the sensitivity of the information regarding the issue.
Other details will be forwarded to you as soon as I am convinced that I am communicating with the right
Mr. Uzoma Opara
People should pray for thire own, not to critisize others.
First of all to correct this Dangote is the richest Nigerian Forbes list but in reality just not it even Dangote knows that himself.. Secondly why criticize someone who has worked hard and worked smart which was his choice and it should also be his choice if he wants to help the needy.. You want him to build you and your family a house for you to admit he has tried for himself? You sure won’t get it cos life is per head so for all those expecting someone to help your poverty life I say to you WORK-HARD nd WORK-SMART..